Bank customers would simply send their euros to a foreign bank to avoid a forced conversion into a new domestic currency. 银行客户会直接把他们的欧元转到外国银行,以免被强迫转换成新的本国货币。
So there are two opposing tendencies, an aggregate-demand rise that weakens the domestic currency and a capital inflow that strengthens it for a while. 因此,就有两种相反的倾向:使本国货币疲软的总需求增大和使本国货币暂时坚挺的资本流入。
Underwriting domestic currency A-share issues is nice work. 承销以人民币计价的a股是一份好差事。
Bruno ratio: The present worth of the domestic currency cost of realizing a foreign exchange saving divided by the present worth of the net foreign exchange saving. 布鲁诺比率:即实现一项外汇储备目标的本国货币成本的现值除以净外汇储备的现值。
It's true that the domestic central bank takes ownership of foreign currency, but only the domestic currency circulates domestically. 国内央行确实持有外币,但只有本国货币在国内流动。
As the dollar appreciates, not only will the cost to emerging market borrowers of servicing their dollar debt go up, they will also have to post more domestic currency as collateral. 随着美元升值,新兴市场借款者偿还美元债务的成本将上升,而且它们还不得不拿出更多本币作为抵押。
Well, when potential importers ask for price quotes, we set our prices in domestic currency. 有潜在客户要求我们报价时,我们用本国货币来设定价格。
It is not just Japanese exporters gunning for a weaker domestic currency in the second half of the year. 今年下半年,竭力谋求日元走软的不仅仅是日本的出口商。
To the extent thatinvestors add foreign assets, Portfolio Rebalancing also weakens the domestic currency, fuelling exports. 如果投资者增加国外资产,投资组合的再平衡就会使国内货币以同等程度走软,提振出口。
This will tend to raise imports, worsen the trade balance, and weaken the domestic currency. 这会增加进口,使贸易差额恶化并使本国货币疲软。
Since the appreciation of RMB leads to a decline in the price expressed in domestic currency, the exporter is unable to run the price up. 人民币升值造成的国内货币计算的价格下降后,企业无法抬高出口农产品的价格。
Foreign investors have extremely limited access to Chinese domestic currency mainland shares. 外国投资者要投资以人民币计价的中国A股,渠道极其有限。
The Shanghai B-share market rose 130 per cent last year and together with the country's two domestic currency A-share markets recently overtook Hong Kong in terms of market capitalisation. 上海B股市场去年上涨130%,与内地两个以人民币计价的A股市场加在一起,总市值最近已超过香港。
Members noted that the relatively low level of the ratio of domestic currency deposits to total deposits in Hong Kong was similar to that in other major international financial centres. 委员会成员了解到,香港的本地货币存款与总存款比率相对较低,其实是类似其他主要国际金融中心的情况。
PPP, rather than market exchange rates, is regarded as a better measure of the relative cost of living, since it is based on goods and services households can buy with their domestic currency. 购买力平价(ppp)而非市场汇率被视为衡量相对生活成本的更好尺度,因为它的衡量基础是各个家庭用本国货币所能购买的商品和服务。
Meanwhile, depreciating southern European economies would see the domestic currency cost of their euro-denominated debt soar, provoking defaults, bank bankruptcies, a collapse of lending, and recession. 与此同时,本币不断贬值的南欧经济体会发现,它们欧元计价债务的本币成本出现飙升,由此引发违约、银行破产、放贷剧减和经济衰退。
Indeed, non-financial corporations are behaving more like banks, with rising financial assets ( in domestic currency) and liabilities ( in foreign currency). 事实上,非金融类企业的表现更像银行,金融资产(以本币计)和负债(以外币计)均在增加。
The World Bank is also assisting in the development of domestic currency bond markets, which help emerging markets manage currency risks and capital flow volatility. 世界银行也在对各国本币债券市场的发展提供帮助,这将有助于新兴市场应对汇率风险和资本流动的波动。
Relatively high exchange rates of the foreign currency compared to the domestic currency discourage imports and encourage exports, as in the case of the United States and Japan. 与本国货币相比,较高的外币汇率阻碍进口,鼓励出口,这种情况在美国和日本都发生过。
What about the domestic currency owned by foreign residents? 外国居民持有本国货币情况怎么样?
Exactly. A forward premium on foreign currency means a forward discount on domestic currency. 完全正确。外币的远期升水意味着本币的远期就是贴水。
Steven Sun, senior China strategist at HSBC in Hong Kong, said: You can see that with the rising economic power of China, the [ domestic currency] A share market is destined to be the leading stock exchange in Asia. 汇丰(HSBC)驻香港的中国市场资深策略师StevenSun表示:你可以看到,随着中国经济实力不断上升,(以人民币计价的)A股市场注定要成为亚洲领先的证券市场。
The expansion or contraction in the monetary base leads interest rates for the domestic currency to fall or rise respectively, creating the monetary conditions that automatically counteract the original capital movement, ensuring stability of the exchange rate. 货币基础扩大或收缩会分别导致本地货币的利率下跌或上升,部分资金随之流出或流入,因而自动抵销原来资金流向所造成的压力,确保汇率维持稳定。
The increase in Chinese visitor arrivals has helped the industry offset not only a decline in visitors from western Europe but also domestic holiday makers, who are taking advantage of a strong domestic currency to jet off to places like Bali and Thailand in increasing numbers. 中国游客数量的增加不仅抵消了西欧游客数量的减少,也弥补了澳大利亚国内度假者数量的减少。由于澳元走强,越来越多的澳大利亚人纷纷飞往巴厘岛和泰国等地度假。
Add in bulging foreign exchange reserves, debt denominated in domestic currency rather than dollars and ( with China the big exception) flexible exchange rates, and the hype surrounding emerging economies seems almost reasonable. 如果再考虑到与日俱增的外汇储备、以本国货币而不是美元计价的债务和灵活的汇率(中国是明显的例外),对新兴经济体的热捧看上去几乎是合理的。
China allows only one company China UnionPay to process domestic currency transactions and requires that all payment cards issued in the country bear its logo, shutting out foreign providers. 中国只允许一家公司中国银联(chinaunionpay)处理国内人民币交易,并要求国内发行的所有银行卡上印有银联标志,把外国供应商拒之门外。
The disjunction between domestic currency operation and foreign currency operation is a major practical problem that have emerged in the course of China's opening up to the outside world and economic development. 本外币资金协调运行脱节是目前我国对外开放和经济发展过程中面临的一个重大现实问题。
The report also argued for stricter borrowing criteria, highlighting the risks for the China Investment Corporation of holding foreign exchange assets and domestic currency liabilities, which "might prove costly if the yuan appreciates". 亚行的这份报告还赞成实行更严格的借贷标准,突显中国投资有限公司(cic)持有外汇资产和本币负债的风险,“如果人民币升值,此举可能将付出沉重代价”。
If they lowered risk premia, now-shallow domestic currency bond markets would deepen. 如果汇率趋稳降低了风险溢价水平,亚洲各国目前规模很小的本币债券市场就有望扩容。
But in the process, they assume a currency mismatch: foreign currency debt against domestic currency assets. 但在此过程中,他们承担了货币错配的风险:外币债务搭配本币资产。